Sunday, August 4, 2013

Trois. Write a poem.

Long have I, er, longed to enter the poetic ranks, to stand alongside the likes of Tennyson, Lawson and others... So I made myself a coffee, got all creative and inspired, sat down at my laptop and... googled some poems. 
Ok so I didn't actually write a poem. But I found one I loved and learnt it off by heart. As my brain has apparently been condemned to a life of post-baby-mush, there's a very high possibility that I won't remember it next week. Or tomorrow. Or after my next cup of coffee for that matter. 
Nevertheless, I'm feeling very clever. If only I had written it. 

Sister Bossy by Doug MacLeod & Craig Smith

Sister Bossy always frowned and bossed the other nuns around.
She often scolded Sister Mabel, "Keep your elbows off the table!"
Then she picked on Sister Yoko, "Wicked girl to slurp your cocoa!"

Sister Bossy, in her den, got quite a shock one evening when
An angel floated by her bed, "I'm tuckered out!" the angel said.
"But look, I've torn my dressing gown, and both my wings have broken down.
I can't stay long, I'm due at Heaven - God shuts the gate at half past seven!"

"So all I need" the angel said "is needle, thimble and some thread."
But though the angel asked her nicely Sister Bossy answered icily,
"You are absolutely shocking, to enter bedrooms without knocking.
Worse still, you've moulted on my floor! Out you go, mate, out the door!"

Years later Sister Bossy died, and up to Heaven she did ride.
At Heaven's gate an angel sat saying "Sister Bossy, fancy that!
Do you remember me at all? I once paid you an urgent call.
I had to walk home, thanks to you - a billion miles, and up hill too!

Well I've got news for you, my dear, now I'm the brand new bouncer here.
You think you're coming in? You're not! You're going some place rather hot.
That's right" the angel shook his wings "I'm sending you to Alice Springs!"

So don't be bossy, mark my verse; you might end up in hell (or worse!)

Cute huh?

1 comment:

  1. You missed part of it, I think it goes "I can't go back in such a state, God's got a bouncer at the gate, a mighty angel strong and stout, if you're dressed bad, he chucks you out."
    I think, I don't own it, I just learnt it off by heart when I was in high school.
